Tamarak's Venture Summit 2021 featured in Entrepreneur Weekly
From Entrepreneur Weekly
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Welcome back Entrepreneurs! This show we have a special guest interviewer, Jennifer Gottlieb, who will be taking the place of Alan Taylor as he is at the Barrett-Jackson Car Show in Houston, Texas. Jennifer is at the Venture Summit in Utah, taking interviews with successful entrepreneurs asking them, "What is your advice for new upcoming entrepreneurs?"
First up is Founder and CEO of GrowRev, Rohan Sheth, Facebook’s ad paid media master. GrowRev is a digital advertising and marketing agency. He shares that making a difference in the masses is what drove him to create his agency. First agency to be multi-platform. Rohan's advice to entrepreneurs is to know what business you want to build and go and learn from someone in that industry who is willing to teach you.
Next is Ty Brown, CEO and Founder of ZAF. ZAF- Zero Attorney Fees. An innovative approach to legal help. They specialize in accident victims and is a non-lawyer ownership. Jennifer asks Ty how he overcame bad ideas and failures. He said he had to become fearless and believed in what he was trying to achieve. A relentless belief that it’s better. Advice for an entrepreneur who has doubt? Get out there and talk to people and surround yourself with people who get it and support you.
Founder and CEO of Pickle, Birch Eve is up next. PICKLE is a conversation intelligence meets productivity intelligence. A new style of smart note taking. It will take notes and remind you about tasks that need to be done during zoom calls etc. Advice to entrepreneurs? Make sure your significant other is on board and to find a solid co-founder.
Founder and CEO of Tamarack Capital, Keaton Hatch is next on the hot seat. Jennifer ask's, How did the Venture Summit get started. Keaton says it started off as an annual Summit for their portfolio companies. It became so popular that they opened it to the public. What is Tamarack? Started investing in businesses and or ideas. A growth equity investment firm or Investment management. They have an incubator program for younger companies and they help them grow capital. What do you look for in a company to invest in? It’s based on the individual. Individuals that are excited about their idea, passion, and value. Secondly, the scalability of a company that can grow grabs their interest. Entrepreneur Advice? Before you go and raise capital, make sure you love what you are doing.
Next is Founder and CEO of R Investments, Travis Steffens. A vertically integrated real estate investment company. They focus on multi-family housing and hotels. For Travis, it's an avenue to people. They purchase and renovate places in the “forgotten neighborhoods”. They hire homeless individuals. Take them off the street, give them full medical, dental, vision, to a bank account. They help get them the bare necessities and housing and leave the past behind. Advice? Have a heart for people.
Lastly we have Chief Technology Officer @ ClientTether, Kevin Hall. ClientTether is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for franchised home services. It solves issues for the franchise world. Persistence is key to sales and success. Entrepreneur advice? You can’t wear all the hats. You need to have either extra help or invest into a CRM ’that will be able to handle leads, set appointments like a virtual secretary.